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Frú Ingveldur snaraði ljóðmælinu um Gutta Sig yfir á ensku

I want to tell you a short story,
which I have recently heard;
actually you know him Guto,
that is absolutely correct.
Cheeky is always the boy,
around town he runs jumping all over the place.
He does not want to be with his mother,
and never listens to his father, no no he doesn't.
All day long, around town,
you can hear them calling:
Guto, Guto, Guto, Guto, Guto come home!

The face is on the damn boy
often as a soaking wet patch of mud.
Mother Gutó is tired and screams many times a day:
What were you doing, my Guto?
Aren't you ashamed to come into the house like that?
Did you tear your pants and your green jacket like that?
The best thing to do would be to slap the stupid boy ass.
You must not refuse Gutó,
it is no defense.
The devil himself in the hottest hell to have a child like you.

But Gutó never does this, frowns and just laughs.
He almost became a piece of shit, under a car yesterday.
And down a high wall today he fell.
Holy Lord - and Guto nose went completely flat!
Like a pancake.
Is it true?
Oh yes, it's a shame it was such a high fall.
Now Gutó nose is twisted,
now it fits, on a monster.
Now the story is almost over - now the story is all.

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Jóhannes Ragnarsson
Jóhannes Ragnarsson

Höfundur er búsettur í Ólafsvík.

netfang: joiragg@visir.is  Sími:436-1438 og 895-1438



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