Leita í fréttum mbl.is

In parliament, tongues are spoken about tit and chicken glue ...

Chickens are considered stupid birds,
loud, cruel and smelly.
To put such a terrible creature in his mouth
is a dirty crime of the worst kind.

Then these birds hold their hen party
and jump and shout round after round
and lay many nestlings, which are causing a lot of trouble -
cause numbness and tingling.

The Speaker of the House is a castrated dry bird,
deceitful, false and given to confusion.
But rule-hens and roosters gargle,
idle as the mouths of wolves.
But after centuries historians say:
these scumbags should have kept quiet.

Í hænsnakofanum

mbl.is Kristrún: „Auðvelt að auka bara útgjöldin“
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

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Jóhannes Ragnarsson
Jóhannes Ragnarsson

Höfundur er búsettur í Ólafsvík.

netfang: joiragg@visir.is  Sími:436-1438 og 895-1438



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