Leita í fréttum mbl.is

Gold plated plastic figure

With a plastic figure in the coat of arms, they step onto the field.
Now the working animals must be slaughtered, decapitated and filleted.
Who can live with rebellious wretches?
Not gold-plated plastic cylinders with a hollow ring inside.

After a grand maneuver in the grand deceptions of class cooperation
the mainstays of society do not stand in any bullshit.
The strike of the working world, my friends, should be called for the office workers.
Let's be brave, employers, and show the steel blue.

Symbolically we hang and shoot the infernal rebel fools,
chop and shred them in economic engines and competitive centrifuges.
We are not blue water or wet lambs when playing; we invite you to shut up, be ashamed of yourself and continue to slave.
We are the holders of the dominant national structure and tolerate no objections.
We are the way, the truth and the life. Ours is power, both on earth and in heaven, forever. Thanks Mammon. 


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Jóhannes Ragnarsson
Jóhannes Ragnarsson

Höfundur er búsettur í Ólafsvík.

netfang: joiragg@visir.is  Sími:436-1438 og 895-1438



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