6.4.2008 | 16:48
Rýkur úr rústum góðærisins
Það ætlar ekki að gera það endasleppt við okkur þetta helvítis Sunnudags Teligraf og aðrir álíka skítasneplar í útlöndum; ausa okkur rógi og viðurstyggilegum ávirðingum eins og við séum vandræðaþjóð með jakkafatabuxurnar á hælunum, liggjandi í eigin ,,mannlega úrgangi" og heimilið alelda í bakgrunni.
En hvað um það, þá læðist samt að manni sá grunur, að efnahagsástandið á Íslandi sé mikið verrra en stjórnvöld og bankaeðjótin láta í veðri vaka. Það er nú einusinni þannig, að þar sem er reykur, þar er eldur undir. Og þó að stórmenni þjóðarinnar sjái hvorki né heyri og hafi misst allt lyktarskyn, þá sér sauðsvartur almúginn reykjarkófið, sem farið er að sjást í útlöndum, með berum augum, eins og hroðalegar náttúruhamfarir og eldgos eigi sér stað á eyjuni bláu norður við heimskautsbaug.
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Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðurinn til aðstoðar Íslandi? |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Flokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 17:01 | Facebook
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"Þegar bankar eru farnir að sannfæra fólk um truverðugleika sinn, þá eru þeir ekki lengur trúverðugir."
Þetta sagði vitur maður á útvarpi Sögu og ég held að hann hafi rétt fyrir sér.
Nú erum við Íslendingar búnir að prófa frjálshyggjumódelið og mikið andskoti vorum við fljótir að fá það í hausinn. Líklega settum við þar eitt heimsmetið í viðbót.
Nú er bara að sjá hvað Vinstri grænir eru með uppi í erminni. Ekki getur það verið óburðugra en leiðin hans Hannesar Hólmsteins.
Árni Gunnarsson, 6.4.2008 kl. 17:24
Vinstri grænir?
Ingibjörg Friðriksdóttir, 6.4.2008 kl. 20:42
Enda hefur Hannes Hólmsteinn ekki þorað fyrir sitt litla líf að jarma þuluna sína þreyttu um að græðgi sé góð í nokkurn tíma.
Georg P Sveinbjörnsson, 6.4.2008 kl. 20:44
I know you Icelanders won't like what I am about to say but........It has been obvious for quite some time that the bubble had to burst. You cant live on plastic, loans, and promises to pay.....buy goods like children in a sweet shop, buy snob 4x4's that the wife can't even park because it is too big for her, and then bury your head in the sand and say everybody is jealous of us and just want to bring us down.......... It's time to pay back all that you have borrowed......Many will not be able to do that unfortunately....... including the "big Banks" and some of the "Viking" big millionaires...........
Just lets hope that you can reflect on what has happened and come out of this with some dignity and some experience.....admit that it all went wrong and that the mind set of "I want it, lets borrow money to buy it" needs to be changed to " I want it, lets see if we can afford it".....I sincerely hope you get it all sorted out.
Best regards
Eirikur , 6.4.2008 kl. 23:49
Hi EricThanks for your input to the debate; fundamentally I believe it to be just. I was disappointed when I tried to access you blog, it was locked, not to complain, you could have good reasons for this.You are to an extent, calling for rational thought and behavior of people of Iceland. This request is completely irrational. Rationality has no history in Iceland, our entire political system is not based on logic, but entirely on sentiments, our capacity of reasoning is limited by USA dogma.As example of this you can look at contemporary demonstrations, where big part of the population is demonstrating the rising prices of gas and diesel. You will have to bend any ethical standard, 3 times to make a case for this demonstration (or 2 times if you bend the standard of how to measure ethical standard). The entire drive force of Icelandic society; is stupid and ignorant population. This does not differentiate us from other western societies. Measured on the same standard population booth in the USA and Europe, would not render different result.To know more about this subject I point you to work of Noam Chomsky. You can find some of this work on youtube.com in easy to access form.
proletariat, 7.4.2008 kl. 00:36
Hi EricThanks for your input to the debate; fundamentally I believe it to be just.
I was disappointed when I tried to access you blog, it was locked, not to complain, you could have good reasons for this.
You are to an extent, calling for rational thought and behavior of people of Iceland. This request is completely irrational.
Rationality has no history in Iceland, our entire political system is not based on logic, but entirely on sentiments, our capacity of reasoning is limited by USA dogma.
As example of this you can look at contemporary demonstrations, where big part of the population is demonstrating the rising prices of gas and diesel.
You will have to bend any ethical standard, 3 times to make a case for this demonstration (or 2 times if you bend the standard of how to measure ethical standard). The entire drive force of Icelandic society; is stupid and ignorant population.
This does not differentiate us from other western societies. Measured on the same standard population booth in the USA and Europe, would not render different result.
To know more about this subject I point you to work of Noam Chomsky. You can find some of this work on youtube.com in easy to access form.
proletariat, 7.4.2008 kl. 00:39
Hi Johannes
Can you remove the first posting that I made (and this one afterwards).
the first posting contains the same as the second one, the second one is just formated correctly,
proletariat, 7.4.2008 kl. 00:42
Thanks for the reply. I do not mean any malice. (I consider myself 50% Icelandic). Taught dicipline of our children would go a long way to prevent the flipant use of the dreaded plastic and the easy loan. I use several cards but ensure there is always enough in the bank, or in the next pay check to cover the "loan".............
I remember my son, at the ripe old age of about 7 years when he asked me if he could have a certain item for his birthday. I forget what it was. What he wanted however was far too expensive, and far too sophisticated for a seven year old, so I told him I could not afford what he wanted......A few minutes later he came to me with my check book in his hand ( He knew where I kept it.)....." Vist gettur pu kaupa thath......pu 'a nog af bladum 'i bokinu" (appologies for the really,really, bad Islensku.....I also have an English keyboard)...........I took time to explain to him that to use one of those pieces of paper I had to work a certain amount of time before I could write on it and change it into money......and do you know.....He understood.....It was as simple as that......The lesson ends here.... :o)
Eirikur , 7.4.2008 kl. 01:31
I did not consider your comment to be hurting nor disrespectful. As I pointed out, I thought it was just.
I have my self raised kids in many continents, as a side effect of job related situation. It has been the outmost disturbance to explain how things work in Iceland. I have completely not been able to explain, to a standard where I did hold the same child in different culture, how things worked in Iceland.
Children are however forgiving to there’s parents and are fast to adapt. I hope that by the time when my children teenager, they have forgiven me.
The biggest challenge is the in logical, double standard, which seems to be part of the Icelandic culture. I’m not talking about differences in culture, but purely double standards within culture.
This is the contradiction you point out in your post where you talk about your check book, as we intend to pay back, without having given any thought to how.
Philosophically, this in only a contradiction if we don’t believe it ourselves, the reason why we believe it is that we have never needed logic to explain how to pay back loan (with interest), just by taking on more work. Therefore the appearance of contradiction is completely in the eyes of the observer.
However for any person with medium thought capacity this assumption will create dilemma. It seems that you have already hit yours.proletariat, 7.4.2008 kl. 02:47
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.